Pardon My Rudeness

I like to be in the habit of making short videos. Habits are everything. It’s a silly thing, making videos, but it helps me. I tend to be committed and consistent in all good habits when I’m making videos. I exercise more. Sleep better. Floss, etc.

I set my camera up to shoot. I was in the park. It was very quiet. Suddenly my voice, louder than usual, broke the quiet.

“I’m sick of following my dreams, man,” I said, quoting Mitch Hedberg. “I’m just gonna ask where they’re goin’ and hook up with ‘em later.”

I heard footsteps crunching on the leaves to my right. I turned, expecting a stranger. I prepared myself to smile and explain my hobby. No stranger. A squirrel was staring at me. Like, really staring at me. With a look on its face that said, What the hell are you doing? I’ve never seen anything like it.



